一、 我们是谁?
亚洲事实查核实验室(Asia Fact Check Lab, AFCL)隶属自由亚洲电台(Radio Free Asia,RFA),致力于发掘并查核当今复杂媒体环境下的虚假及错误讯息。我们发布事实查核、传播观察和深度报道,期待深化公众对时事及公共议题的了解。
RFA为非营利机构,由美国国会透过美国国际媒体署 (USAGM) 资助。美国国际媒体署是一个独立的联邦政府机构,负责监督所有国营或国家资助的对外媒体。RFA保有完全的编辑独立性和决策权,这符合国会赋予它的使命,即为生活在封闭媒体环境中或易受不良行为者和专制政权恶意影响的民众提供未经审查的、准确和基于事实的新闻。
Who is AFCL?
Asia Fact Check Lab (AFCL) is a unit within Radio Free Asia (RFA) that aims to counter disinformation and misinformation in today’s complex media environment. We publish fact-checks, media-watches, and in-depth reports that are designed to sharpen and deepen our readers’ understanding of current affairs and public issues.
RFA is a private, nonprofit corporation, funded by the U.S. Congress through an annual grant administered by the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), an independent federal government agency that oversees all U.S. civilian international media. RFA retains complete editorial independence and decision-making in line with its Congressionally mandated mission of bringing uncensored, accurate, and fact-based news to populations living in closed media environments or vulnerable to malign influence by bad actors and autocratic regimes.
AFCL 致力于遵守RFA的新闻伦理准则,以维持其新闻工作的最高标准。
AFCL Commitments
AFCL is committed to upholding the highest standards of journalism by adhering to the RFA’s Code of Journalistic Ethics.
As outlined in that code, we maintain independence from any government or political party. Our journalism is protected by a firewall that safeguards the news gathering and reporting of the entities that are overseen by USAGM from external influence.
AFCL also follows the best practices of the international fact-checking community, including the International Fact-Checking Network’s Code of Principles to ensure a professional, fair and transparent process.
三、AFCL 如何发布报告?
1. 我们如何辨识可疑的说法?
- 我们积极留意政府部门、新闻媒体、社群媒体趋势以及新兴议题的出现,从中辨识潜在的可疑说法。
- 我们也会接受来自大众的要求,协助阐明他们在所处的媒体环境中,接触到的可疑讯息。
2. 我们如何进行事实查核?
- 我们使用公开来源的信息和工具,对可疑说法进行细查、证实或反驳。
- 我们会提供所使用之资讯的来源,明确解释我们查核的方法,并承认查核过程所面临的限制。
- 我们会尽一切努力,联系查核内容涉及的个人和组织。
- 我们会采纳足够专业、立场持平的专家意见,以支持我们的发现。
3. 我们如何确保透明度和公平性
- 我们会揭露并解释在事实查核过程中,所使用的方法和工具,并提供来自第一手资料的直接证据。
- 我们会尽一切努力,联系查核内容涉及的各方。
- 我们不隶属任何党派,立场独立且透明。
How does AFCL Operate?
AFCL strives to produce effective, fair, and transparent fact-checking reports.
How do we identify suspicious claims?
- We actively monitor news outlets, social media trends, and emerging topics in media discourse to identify potentially suspicious claims.
- We also receive requests from the public to clarify claims and messages they encounter in their media environment.
How do we fact-check claims?
- We utilize open-source intelligence and tools to scrutinize, corroborate or refute suspected claims.
- We provide sources for the information we use, clearly explain our methodologies, and acknowledge the limitations of our fact-checking process.
- We make every effort to reach out to the individuals and organizations involved in the claims.
- We incorporate expert opinions from qualified, balanced sources to support our findings.
How do we ensure transparency and fairness?
- We disclose and explain the method and tools used in our fact-checking process, providing evidence directly from primary sources.
- We make every effort to reach out to all relevant parties involved in the claims.
- We are non-partisan, independent, and transparent.
Complaints and Corrections
AFCL follows RFA’s Code of Journalistic Ethics regarding corrections.
“If an RFA journalist makes a material error in a broadcast or published RFA news story, commentary, or shared content, the journalist and language service must promptly acknowledge the error and issue a correction, typically via the same communication medium in which the error was disseminated.”
We offer communication channels (afcl@rfa.org) for the public as well as individuals and organizations that are subject to our fact-checks to file complaints. We welcome comments and criticism from all quarters.